Summer 2021

Progress Against Child Trafficking In Ukraine

Shawn just returned from Ukraine where we were able to connect our new partners at Coaxion Global with the Ukrainian Cyber Police and Juvenile Police Forces. We had several great meetings and soon we will see them equipped and trained to confront the rapidly growing digital trends in child exploitation. Staying ahead of the trafficker's technology is critical in this fight and we are so excited to be a part of this important venture.

100 Beds for Needy Children

Fifty brand new bunk beds, 100 comfortable places to sleep, are on their way to the Ukraine border from Germany. These beds are much needed at our camps and family homes in Ukraine.

We are so grateful to our amazing sponsors here in the States for funding this project.

Everyone In Ukraine Loves These Shoes!

We are working with a supplier to provide these much-needed shoes to the underprivileged children that attend our youth camps and live in financially depressed areas where we serve. Consider sponsoring a few pairs of these shoes to help us complete our first order.

For just $8 a pair, we can have them manufactured, branded and shipped so that our volunteer teams that come from America and other countries can distribute them as they serve with us in short term missions. We do have to meet bulk minimums for orders. Please contact us for more details.

Join the Mission 823 Newsletter

Stay up  to date with all our activities in Ukraine.

#IAM823 Art Project

Last year, Covid crushed our effort to rally artists to contribute a work of art representing the suffering and/or the joy of redemption of traumatized children. The originals were to be sold at auction and scanned digital prints of each work would also be available for purchase.

We are reviving that effort and need your help! If you are an artist or you know an artist that may consider donating a piece, please contact us as soon as possible.

Give Once, Give Forever!

Our sustainable giving platform is performing flawlessly. Those who participated in this two years ago created a perpetual giving fund from one-time gifts that is supplying ongoing funding for our projects to reach and support children.

If you have access to unused or stagnant funds or even non-cash assets like stocks, equity or real estate and would be interested in a win-win investment that generates a yield for you and support for needy kids, please contact us for more details.

Read All About It!

Here are the links to our interviews from Lake and Sumter Style Magazine in Central Florida and by lifestyle blogger, Adrienne Balkum, in Dallas, TX. These will give you an objective view Mission 823's work in Ukraine.

Lake and Sumter Style Magazine - Voice for the Voiceless

Adrienne Balkum Blog - Rescuing At Risk Youth In Ukraine

Please visit Facebook and Instagram pages and You Tube Channel and share them widely. We need a lot more voices and ambassadors actively participating so that we can have the greatest impact for the people of Ukraine.

Thank you and God Bless You!

Shawn and Amy Sullivan


Shawn - - ph: 817-313-3656

Amy - - ph: 817-773-4758

Office - - ph: 352-432-8587
