Community Outreach Events
The team at Mission 823 is in constant contact with needy communities and at risk children in Eastern Europe.
In order to provide the best services possible, it is necessary to understand the unique needs of those that are suffering and tailor programs suited specifically for them. This is where community outreach events come in.
Community Outreach Events like fairs, festivals, concerts and neighborhood that involve the local children, families and whole villages allow us to get to know and serve them better. We are able to build personal relationships and address their specific needs with humanitarian assistance, counseling and spiritual guidance. Connections with local church leadership allow consistent follow up and care and if there is no local church, we help to establish a new church in that community.
We are regularly invited to serve the children of the public schools and internat (orphanage) systems. Teaching social skills, hygiene, English classes and the entrepreneurial spirit, as well as bringing awareness to the dangers of bullying and human trafficking in Eastern Europe, enables children to adjust and compete in society.
Introduction of small and medium sized business models in country encourages independence, creates stability and minimizes dependence on western support. Ask us how you can get involved in business development for individuals and for our organization overseas.