Winter is coming in ukraine and we need your help!

Imagine your home has been destroyed by rockets and artillery fire. The roof is damaged with gaping holes, allowing rain and snow to soak your family and all of your belongings. You try to stretch tarps over portions of the house so that your family can huddle in a corner on the floor to get out of the weather.
There are no shelters, no FEMA, no YMCA. Every building within 50 miles is in the same exact condition.
The electricity is out, so there is no light, and the gas lines are ruptured, so there is no heat or way to prepare food. You squat next to a fire in the yard to cook what you have managed to scrounge together to eat and maybe squeak out one more cup of tea from the used tea bags.
The supply chain has been disrupted, so the stores nearby have nothing of use on their shelves. You don't have a job anymore because the business was flattened by a missile, and the owners were killed in the attack.

Occasionally, a group of volunteers from non-profit organizations bring lifesaving supplies for which you are extremely grateful. The problem is that your story is being repeated hundreds of thousands of times, and there just aren't enough resources for everyone at once.
You pray every day for the chance to rebuild, to start over, and to not live in fear that hell will rain down from the sky again tonight.
This is the story for millions of Ukrainians. We desperately ask that you would do everything in your power to help, us personally or through your church or business.
Be assured that your donation will go directly to the aid of Ukrainians in need. There is a high level of accountability, and you will be receipted for your donation, and all gifts through our 501(c)3 are tax deductible.
You can donate here.
Rebuilding ukraine - reconstruction of homes destroyed by airstrikes and enemy forces on the ground.
Mission 823 teams are working feverishly to secure and dry-in homes damaged by the war.

We are purchasing and delivering building materials which are then organized and used for disaster relief reconstruction by volunteer community teams. CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO
Stomp kits (seal team operational medical kits) delivered
We are grateful to the Ukrainian Ministry of Health for providing air cargo transport for supplies donated by our partners. Water filters and multi-casualty trauma kits were delivered to the front lines by our Mission 823 team.

These supplies are critical for saving lives in combat, especially for the civilian population where most of the injuries are occurring. Many times, front line soldiers are the first responders and our delivery partners in combat zones.

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Humanitarian aid deliveries
Humanitarian aid deliveries were made by our teams to Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Chernigiv, Irpin, Bucha, Narodychi, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Poltava, and Zaporozhye. Thanks to your generosity, we are continuing our support for those who have been cut off from regular supply chains.

Food is scarce, roads are pockmarked with artillery potholes large enough to swallow a car, and many people's vehicles were burned or bombed in the attacks. Mission 823 teams weave their way carefully to these locations to hand-deliver food and supplies.
Youth camp for traumatized children
Of the more than 12 million refugees (let that sink in), several million children have experienced, lived through, and carry with them the physical and emotional scars of things seen in war that horror films are made of.

Living in dark basements for months on end, listening for the air raid sirens to end, waiting for the rumble of tanks and rocket launchers to stop, and peeking out to see when it might be safe for a supply run and to check on your neighbors.

Children and teens in Ukraine have witnessed the horror of their families’ bodies in the street and the terror of demented soldiers doing things to them and their neighbors that we can’t even talk about. These are the kids that come to our youth camps.
This past August, one of our camps hosted 44 children who had all lost someone in their family to this nightmare, several who were tortured by enemy soldiers and one young man who was abducted and taken to Belarus where he finally escaped and made his way back across the border into Ukraine. He tells his story by lifting his shirt and showing the massive scars incurred at the hands of drunken, soulless conscripts.

These children have Acute and Chronic Stress and symptoms of PTSD exactly like a combat veteran. They have seen and experienced all of the same battles as the warriors who protect their homeland. Our job is to provide a safe oasis for these children to allow them to take their shields down for the first time in months and be kids again. Then we can connect to the healing process. Please consider sponsoring a child to go to one of our camps.
Crisis in Izyum, Ukraine
As Russian forces are pushed out of Ukraine, the heartbreaking horrors left behind are uncovered.

Mission 823 teams gain access to people who have been suffering under occupation for months, some for over 8 years.

The images and video that you see are captured by our teams as we push forward towards the conflict line to assist those who have been liberated.
Water filters delivered
Sawyer water filters were delivered to Mykolayiv and other front line cities by our team on the ground.

In partnership with Rotary International, local Rotary clubs in the U.S. and Ukraine, and Sawyer International, thousands of water filters have been delivered to front line cities, some of which are still occupied by enemy forces.

Water systems in populated areas have been destroyed and contaminated, and these compact systems will provide more than 270 million gallons of clean water over the course of the next 500 days.
Certificate of Appreciation: Supporting Frontline Medical Care in Eastern Ukraine
Front line doctors and hospitals, grateful for your support, gave us this certificate of appreciation for the delivery of orthopedic external fixators, used to stabilize extremities shattered by explosions and shrapnel.

We are grateful to Dr. Tyler Wishau for his wisdom in recycling these critical instruments for frontline medical use.
On behalf of the first responders, doctors, nurses, clinics, and hospitals of Eastern Ukraine, Thank You!!
Church in Ukraine serving the community
Our western Ukraine. Millions of people are still displaced from their homes, can’t find work, and are desperate to support their families.

Pastor Yevgenniy and his family are doing a marvelous job caring for the physical and spiritual needs of those in his community. Please pray for this precious family and the church there.

Winter in Ukraine
Winter is coming and is always beautiful in Ukraine. But this year, the harshness of bitter cold and snow will kill those without proper shelter, heat, and supplies.

We ask that you consider partnering with Mission 823 to meet the needs of as many of these precious people as possible before winter settles hard on Ukraine.

Here are some ways you can help immediately. Please contact us directly if you have questions or suggestions.
- Sponsor a child to Youth Camp: $150
- Purchase food packs for needy families: $25
- Purchase a wood burning heater/cook stove for a family: $300
- Purchase a water filtration system for a household: $30
- Purchase thermal underwear for an individual: $30
- Help rebuild a family home: $3000
- Help us expand our youth camp and trauma facilities - any amount
Contact Shawn at [email protected] for more info.

Join Us in Being the Hands and Feet of Christ: Supporting Ukraine through Mission 823
Please remember Ukraine and thank you all for your continuing support through Mission 823. We obviously cannot cover every detail of our work or the tremendous need here in this update, and there is much more that the world needs to see and hear.

Join us and be the hands and feet of Christ to those in need in Ukraine. We must have a lot more voices and ambassadors actively participating so that we can have the greatest impact.
Please visit Facebook and Instagram pages and You Tube Channel and share them widely. We need a lot more voices and ambassadors actively participating so that we can have the greatest impact for the people of Ukraine.
Thank you and God Bless You!
Shawn and Amy Sullivan
Shawn - [email protected] - ph: 817-313-3656
Amy - [email protected] - ph: 817-773-4758
Office - [email protected] - ph: 352-432-8587