Fall 2023

Digging in for fall in ukraine

Florida government officials survey the front lines in ukraine

This past September, Florida Senator Carey Baker and Lake County Commissioner Sean Parks, along with Shawn Sullivan, President of Mission 823, and Ukraine Director Taras Shavchuk, visited multiple locations in war-torn Ukraine.

Their visit included stops at the western base of Mission 823, major sites in Kyiv, and meetings with the Governor's Office (Head of the Military Administration under martial law) of Kharkiv.

They also met with the Regional Administration and City of Kupiansk, the Regional Administration of Izyum, and the City of Balakliya.

Receiving awards from the Kupiansk Military Administration.

These meetings were crucial for assessing the ongoing needs and challenges faced by these regions amidst the conflict.

The delegation's visit underscored the commitment of Mission 823 and its partners to providing support and relief to the affected areas.

Their firsthand observations and interactions with local leaders will help shape future initiatives and aid efforts, ensuring that the most urgent needs are addressed effectively.

Shawn, Carey and Sean returning the empties, providing accountability for U.S. assistance.

The goal of the visit was to assess the current conditions, provide a first-hand report of accountability, understand the needs of these communities, and determine appropriate next steps to assist them.

After traveling over 3,000 miles, the team identified the highest priorities: support and repairs for hospitals, equipment and training for first responders, fire, and police, and urgent winterization assistance.

Senator Carey Baker on his way to Kupiansk to meet with the Military Administration with a Police Escort

These priorities are crucial for the well-being and safety of the affected communities.

If you would like to support these efforts and help those who are suffering greatly, please contact Shawn at shawn@mission823.com.

 Your involvement can make a significant difference in providing the necessary aid and support to those in need.

Commissioner Sean Parks in a hand-made Ghillie Suit crafted by the ladies of The Guardians in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Consider sponsoring our emergency war relief effort through our website here

See a video of our trip here: TRIP VIDEO

Mission 823's ukrainian director, taras savchuk, gets the super hero award!

Taras has successfully managed a superhuman effort, orchestrating a massive renovation at Camp Willow Park and conducting seven Ukraine youth camps camps for traumatized children, widows, orphans, and children from the local community.

In addition, he has supervised our Ukrainian NGO, built his own family’s home, and overseen logistics for last month’s U.S. delegation to Ukraine.

He is now launching Phase 2 of our camp upgrades, focusing on structure, safety, and aesthetics.

Taras and his family exemplify the best qualities of Christ’s character, integrity, loyalty, a servant’s spirit, and the beautiful, hospitable heart of Ukraine.

Their dedication and hard work have been instrumental in our mission’s success.

Show your love and appreciation for Taras Shavchuk and his incredible contributions!

Join the Mission 823 Newsletter

Stay up  to date with all our activities in Ukraine.

Yaremche church partners persevere

Pastor Yevgeniy and his family continue to serve with excellence in the cozy mountain town of Yaremche.

Captured by enemy forces early in the war and tortured, he escaped and moved his family to western Ukraine to serve God and others through church planting.

Despite their harrowing experiences, they lead a thriving ministry to the people of Yaremche.

They conduct weekly Bible studies and Sunday services, host humanitarian outreaches to the refugee population, and provide youth ministry and camps.
Their dedication and resilience have created a beacon of hope and faith in the community, helping to support and uplift those affected by the ongoing conflict.

Pastor Yevgeniy's family and team faithfully preach the Gospel, sharing the good news of Christ's work on our behalf.

They train disciples to follow Jesus and lead them to a life of service, beginning with the commitment of baptism.

Their dedication to spreading the message of faith and service has made a significant impact on the community.

Pray for the church in Yaremche and many others like them, who are making a huge difference during a very stressful time. Their work brings hope and support to those in need, demonstrating the power of faith and resilience in the face of adversity.

Water filters still needed

Sawyer water filters working at Camp Willow Park and Faith House provide up to 4500 gallons of clean water per day. 

Special needs orphanages and many others are still having difficulty gaining access to clean water in Ukraine. With winter approaching, it is urgent that we solve as many of these issues as possible before the first freeze. Consider helping us by clicking this link:  CLICK HERE

Stat pack update

Fully stocked STAT packs (Jump Bags for EMTs and Paramedics), Vehicle Extrication Kits, and Pediatric Rescue Kits were delivered to our team in Kyiv this week. 

These essential supplies will soon be forwarded to First Responders and Fire Stations in Kharkiv Oblast, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle emergencies and save lives.

The delivery of these critical resources is a testament to our ongoing commitment to support those on the front lines of this conflict. By providing the necessary tools and equipment, we aim to enhance the capabilities of first responders, enabling them to offer timely and effective assistance to those in need.

Widows of the war give testimonies:

Widows, mothers, wives, and orphaned children affected by the war in Ukraine were recently hosted by Mission 823 at Camp Willow Park for a week of relaxation and healing. 

This special event provided a safe and nurturing environment where they could find solace, connect with others who share similar experiences, and begin the process of emotional recovery.

Their powerful testimonies, which can be heard here: Widows of the War, reflect the profound impact of the camp.

These stories of resilience and hope are a testament to the importance of providing support and care to those who have endured such tremendous loss.

Through initiatives like this, Mission 823 continues to bring comfort and healing to those most affected by the conflict.

Winter push - insulate ukraine

Collaboration and cooperation among non-profits are essential to maximizing our impact. 

Mission 823 and Insulate Ukraine have proposed a joint project to provide specialized window replacement technologies to homes in the East, where glass is either unavailable or impractical due to ongoing air raids and missile attacks.

This initiative is crucial for ensuring that residents can return to their homes and prepare them for winter, despite the ongoing conflict.

We urgently need to fund a pilot project that will secure more than 600 homes.

To achieve this, we are aiming to raise $20,000, which amounts to just $33 per home.

Your support can make a significant difference in providing much-needed relief and restoring safety to these families.

Help us reach our goal and make a meaningful impact in these communities.

Mission 823 is undertaking additional steps to provide winter supplies for those in need along the front lines. Contact Shawn for a list of the most urgent supplies. 

The americans are coming back!

Mission 823 and Camp Willow Park are finally ready to begin receiving American volunteer teams to serve as Camp Counselors for youth camps designed for at-risk and traumatized children of Ukraine.

Specialties in trauma, PTSD and emotional/psychological injuries in children highly desirable.

Contact Shawn at shawn@mission823.com ASAP to get your questions answered about short term mission trips to Ukraine next summer. Trips are limited and have special requirements. Reach out now to ensure you have a place. 

Prayer and support concerns:

Staffing Needs: Pray that God will provide wisdom and resources to expand our teams, both in Ukraine and here in the U.S.

The scale of the work is too vast for us to reach our fullest potential with our current staffing levels. We urgently need resources to hire additional staff in Ukraine and seek individuals considering missionary and non-profit work as a vocation to join us here in the States.

If you are interested in discussing these staff positions or becoming a team member at Mission 823, please contact us directly.

Your support and involvement are crucial in helping us meet the growing demands of our mission and make a greater impact.

Vehicle Needs: Mission 823 urgently requires several vehicles to support our mission in Ukraine.

Pickup trucks, shuttle buses, and passenger buses are crucial as we expand our operations.

The harsh road conditions, exacerbated by ongoing missile attacks, have led our teams to travel tens of thousands of kilometers in the last 19 months while caring for those in need.

We need additional vehicles to continue this vital work and replacements for those that have served us well.

If you would like to know how you can assist with these vehicle needs, please contact us.

Your support will help ensure our teams can effectively reach and serve the communities affected by the conflict.

Your Support Makes a Difference: Help Us Amplify Our Impact for Ukraine

Thank you all for your faithfulness, compassion and support for Ukraine, for Mission 823 and for the Sullivan family.

We love and appreciate each one of you and covet your prayers.

This has been a very intense and stressful year and a half, and we are just not at a place where we see a break anytime in the near future.

Please keep up your much needed support and refer us to other people of influence who may hear our story.

Be sure to share this newsletter and our social media content with all of your contacts.

Encourage your pastor and community leaders to reach out to us and ask how they may be of assistance in this great work. 

Please visit Facebook and Instagram pages and You Tube Channel and share them widely. We need a lot more voices and ambassadors actively participating so that we can have the greatest impact for the people of Ukraine.

Thank you and God Bless You!

Shawn and Amy Sullivan


Shawn - shawn@mission823.com - ph: 817-313-3656

Amy - amy@mission823.com - ph: 817-773-4758

Office - office@mission823.com - ph: 352-432-8587

Website: www.mission823.com