We have watched this video of RFK that was recently posted and have listened to his views on what is happening in Ukraine and we strongly disagree with most of what he is saying. We have been there, on the ground, for 23 years and personally know these people and the stories of what is really happening with this war. We are posting this video for the purpose of allowing you to hear what is being said, by many, about Ukraine. By posting this video, we are not endorsing (or opposing) any Presidential candidates or promoting anything else that is said in this video - we are simply refuting what RFK and many other big names including Trump, Tucker Carlson, and others, are saying about the war in Ukraine by stating the true facts. We hope that you will be open to hearing the truth and not listen to the "propaganda" that is being pushed by people who have never even been to Ukraine or are promoting absolute fabrications about Ukraine and the war. The part of the video that we are wanting you to listen to is between these time stamps: 18:38 to 24:20. Then read our response to each point in the text below the video.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!
Our Response:
1. Putin and Russia are terrorist super villains and Ukraine is no proxy. If Ukraine were the USA’s proxy, we would have defeated the Russians 11 years ago. But the fact of the matter is that the early years had almost zero support from the U.S., and the Ukrainians were fighting alone with only their own tools and reserves and only recently has the United States and Europe begun to fund and to supply weaponry that will help the Ukrainians to win on the battlefront. The Ukrainians have single handedly beaten back the 10:1 superior-in-number force. It is not a proxy war, but it could definitely be better classified as the cruelest of methods of using Ukrainians to wear down the Russian power structure by attrition by slow rolling support intentionally to Ukraine.
2. NATO was not making strides to expand its borders to the east. Nations have requested NATO membership because of the ongoing and persistent threat of Russian terrorism coming west. Not the other way around.
3. Putting guns in your gun safe because you know there are criminals nearby is not a hostile act, it’s a God-given right of self-defense and cannot be viewed as an escalation or an expansion. Criminals will be criminals whether you have prepared for their entry or not. I would rather be prepared.
4. Russia is not responding to hostile acts, Russia is continuing to pursue an empire building strategy to reconstruct the former Soviet Union as evidenced in Chechnya, Georgia, and in Moldova, as well as Serbia, Bosnia, Herzegovina and many other places where it violently violates the sovereign territory of independent nations. Russia is just violent, period. And this is why, as a “federation”, not a nation, it “occupies” such a large land mass. Its leadership is authoritarian and oppressive. This is the only way it knows to rule.
5. U.S. agencies had nothing to do with driving the Russian-leaning puppet President out of Ukraine. We lived there with our family during the Orange Revolution and we personally witnessed and supported the people of Ukraine during the Maidan Revolution (Revolution of Dignity). This movement to permanently secure independence, liberty, and freedom in Ukraine was wholly and completely the will of the common people of Ukraine. And they raised their voices and through their own might, with no assistance whatsoever, drove the Russian leadership out of office so that they could indeed have free and fair elections that were untainted by corruption and returned their own autonomy and sovereignty to the people’s Parliament.
6. In 2014 after the RUSSIAN occupation of Crimea and entrance into the Donbas, which was launched in retaliation to Ukrainians raising their fist at Russian authoritarianism, Ukrainians launched self-defense forces against occupying Russians (Little Green Men with no uniform insignias). This has never been a Civil War. Russians were not protecting Russian speakers. We have been speaking Russian in Ukraine for 25 years and continue through this war to speak Russian to my entire team and to everyone that we know. We have never been criticized or scorned for speaking Russian. Shawn is, however, taking strides to learn Ukrainian out of sensitivity, but millions of people in Ukraine speak Russian freely without objection. Russians have bombed and flattened multi-million person cities to the ground that were all Russian speaking. That they are somehow protecting Russian speakers is a complete an absolute lie! In reality, they have pursued a war doctrine of complete and absolute genocide of anything Ukrainian, whether it spoke Russian or not. There are no Ukrainian Nazis, Fascists or Child Sex Rings to be destroyed. These stories are Russian fabrications.
7. The Russians have never had troops in the capital city of Kyiv to withdraw. The Russians were never withdrawing until they were forced to withdraw by the Ukrainians. The peace agreement that he’s referring to, the Minsk Agreement, was violated by the Russians so many times that President Zelenskyy decided that it was time to stand up and fight for his people because he realized that the Russians stalling for negotiations was actually only a delay strategy to build up their forces for a new offensive. From 2019 when he came into office until February 2022, President Zelenskyy was actually criticized by the Ukrainian people for trying to be an appeaser. He was viewed as too soft and too diplomatic, allowing the occupation of too much land and the deaths of too many people. When he finally refused to concede all of the Donbas and all of Crimea, and seeing the United States weakness around the world spurred by the catastrophic failure in Afghanistan, the Russians decided the timing was right, the window was open for an opportunity to fully invade Ukraine, without U.S. or other Western opposition.
8. His numbers on total dead and wounded are completely and absolutely backwards. There are multi-national and multi-agency verified numbers of at least 600,000 Russian dead and wounded and no verified numbers whatsoever, anywhere in the world that tell the story of how many Ukrainians are dead and wounded. We think that the ratio, using the best science that we can calculate, is about one Ukrainian to five Russian troops (1:5). The Ukrainians have been very close to the chest, for obvious reasons of morale, to be discreet about the numbers of Ukrainians that have been wounded or killed.
9. Ukraine’s infrastructure has not been destroyed. It has been severely hampered at times, however, the pace of reconstruction is at lightning speed and is quite frankly astonishing. USAID and US Embassy services along with Ukrainian innovation, have restored the large majority of the electrical and water systems of the nation and kept the lights on for 11 years. Last year we were using generators almost 24-7 in every part of the country and now the majority of the country runs at least 2/3 of each 24 hour period on grid power.
10. The majority of the funding, almost 80% that was “allocated“ for Ukraine has stayed right here in the United States and has benefited at least 23 different states in providing jobs, new projects, new funding for communities and replenishment of US equipment and ammunition. The equipment and ammunition that we sent to the front lines was paid for in the late 60s in the early 70s and was “valued“ at an extravagant price far beyond their actual market value when transferred to Ukraine. Even though they kept their powder dry, and they were absolutely lethal when they arrived in Ukraine, the intimation that we are sending the best of the best, new off the top shelf, is an absolute misrepresentation! We have pictures of Shawn, Florida Senator Carey Baker and Lake County Commissioner Sean Parks in Ukraine, all holding expended US ammunition cartridges from 1969, 1972, and 1973 while standing in a front line bunker where they were recently expended against Russian forces (see below). People who object that “their tax dollars“ are being sent to an unjustified warfront to the “most corrupt country in the world“ are being severely misled by the Trump Administration, people like Tucker Carlson and RFK, among others, and Russian trolls and bots.
11. We are closer to a nuclear exchange now than at any other time since 1962 because of our weakness, instead of strength, to obtain peace. Our blatant indifference to control the world’s tyrants, knowing their character and mindset, has led to them being emboldened to do what terrorists always do. We didn’t provoke this, we allowed this. We completely flip-flopped on Reagan’s policy of peace through strength and have become appeasers, hoping that they would be “better people“ because of our diplomacy. An absolute miserable failure in foreign policy posture.
12. President Trump‘s promise to end the war overnight by entering into “negotiations” with Putin is a transparent concession of another sovereign nation’s territory to a terrorist organization. Forcing a sovereign nation to give up sovereign territory, and demand its continued occupation of its people by cutting off support for those who are fighting for their lives, their freedom, and their perpetuity is the cruelest of hypocrisies. Under the same conditions, where one of our U.S. sovereign states, or 20% of our nation, was being brutally attacked by a foreign aggressor, we would never even entertain the thought of conceding territory, or allowing the continued occupation of those states!
There are many other talking points that are absolute misrepresentations of the conditions and motivations of Ukraine and what the United States has actually done alongside Europe to assist Ukraine in “winning this war”. All of these are well documented by highly rated, objective, intelligent sources, and reinforced by government agencies, reports and documents that prove the accounting, the transparency, and reporting requirements for all aid that has been given to Ukraine. We will be glad to share these with you if you are interested.
Thank you for searching for objective truth. Please be cautious to not take everything you hear from large platforms with large microphones at face value without doing careful research. Ukrainians are hospitable people who simply desire peace and freedom and provide zero tolerance for corruption. Be careful not to malign good people by parroting what you hear from others without verifying the information. We love the Ukrainian people and are giving our lives for them in order to complete our mission. Thank you for your prayers and faithful support for us and our ministry to the precious people of Ukraine.

Shawn, Carey and Sean returning the empties, providing accountability for U.S. assistance. Check out the dates on the canisters!
References and Resources:
3 episode Podcast with Shawn Sullivan, Carey Baker and Sean Parks:
* "There has likely never been more accountability or transparency measures in place for U.S. foreign assistance than what is available for Ukraine aid."
- Randy Mott, @randymot4, Republican activist, lawyer, environmental businessman, former infantry officer
* A Deep Dive Into The Data: https://www.csis.org/analysis/past-present-and-future-us-assistance-ukraine-deep-dive-data
* DOD Oversight: https://www.dodig.mil/Ukraine/
* Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Oversight: https://media.defense.gov/2022/Dec/15/2003133607/-1/-1/1/UKRAINE%20NEWSLETTER%20DEC%202022.PDF
* "Strong oversight of U.S. assistance to Ukraine is important to ensure the continued support of Congress and the American people. It is important for Ukraine and the Biden administration to show clearly where the assistance is going and the impact that this assistance is having on the war. These are tasks that the OIGs at the DOD, State Department, and USAID are well equipped to handle. This is particularly true of economic and humanitarian assistance, which are two categories that have more difficulty showing clear, tangible outcomes. Security assistance—largely in the form of weapons and other military equipment—is having a clear and visible impact on the war. The DOD also has strong safeguards in place that allow it to easily track the flow of weapons, ammunition, and other equipment from point of delivery to Ukraine until they find their way into the field."
“I just spent a few hours refuting some very ill-informed Republicans on X/Twitter. They believe that U.S. aid is being diverted to politicians, that Zelensky was not elected, that U.S. aid only occurs due to blackmail, and other total nonsense. They are reflexively anti-Ukraine aid because they think it is solely Biden's plan. Every single thing that they sincerely believe is a lie. Any opinion built on lies can be changed. Showing them that they have been played is the first step. This works in many cases: in others, it will be a more incremental process, moving them first to uncertainty about what they have been told. So I do not approve of simply bonking everyone who disagrees with us and causing their views to hardened since they feel attacked. The facts to refute all of this nonsense that they truly believe are laid out in these threads. Please use them as you need to:” #BeatThePropaganda
Things Some Republicans Get Wrong
Organ Harvesting in Ukraine Debunk
UKR weapons inspections & tracking
* Are Opponents of Ukraine in the U.S. totally uninformed or deliberately lying? (1) Most every Congressional critic of aid starts with saying there is no accounting of the aid and where it has gone. @repkevinhurn made this claim this morning on FOX. All of the aid is audited, verified by third parties and reports given to Congress. GAO -the Congressional agency - also audits. All weapons are tracked and on a real-time inventory (LOGFAS). Either the critics do not know this or they are lying deliberately to mislead. They never offer any specific criticism of the aid tracking. https://twitter.com/randymot4/status/1609500922413187073?s=20&t=GCU6HgYkddmW8RXYdvzR8w… (2) This bogus allegation is then often followed by a claim "Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world." (https://www.kyivpost.com/opinion/20938)
( https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2022/index/ukr ) The most important issue being that this is never tied to any U.S. aid issues. It is also inaccurate as Ukraine ranks in the middle of the most used international rankings. This is also changing dramatically due to the war, with aggressive anti-corruption enforcment across the board. This open-ended erroneous claim is never explained as a reason to allow Putin to win. (3) Critics then use an argument that Biden has not provided a strategy for the war. This is accurate only in so far as Biden has never said the goal is for Ukraine to win. It would be inapproriate and stupid for Biden to be either creating a strategy to do that or announcing one. Ukraine defines winning as getting its borders back and recovery of its kidnapped citizens. The precise strategy is to attrite the Russians until they lose most of their combat effectiveness, so that big breakthroughs can occur. The tactics being used are well-known and have been very effective. The Administration needs to be more vocal on Ukraine progress. But do we really think that Congressional critics believe that it is important for Biden to simply say this and their opposition would go away? Who is lying here? (4) The Russian strategy is to wear down the Western will to support Ukraine. See thread. It is their only plan and these Congressional critics play right into it. Why? #UkraineMustWin
Stopping Putin's Game: (1) Putin's only viable plan to keep part of illegally-occupied Ukraine is to erode Western military aid. Left as it is, every day Russia faces huge irreplaceable losses, while the AFU grow stronger. See post below. (2) The Russian attack on political support for the war is built on the erroneous premise that this will be "an endless war." This plays well as a theme to Americans disillusioned by the Afghanistan war, its costs and the "train wreck" withdrawal. (3) Americans get very little detailed news on the military operations and results. Even well-informed friends of mine are surprised by facts that I report to them. It is simply not covered by US media. See post below. (4) This Russian propaganda line shows up in the Russian troll accounts, with pro-Russian nut jobs and then creeps into traditional news and opinions, i.e. David Sacks, Elon Musk, NYT, and others. None of the non-Russian sympathizers actually have detailed factual justification for their allegations nor do the third-parties deceived by this actually check anything. (5) This endless war narrative has been the underlying basis for the erosion of Republican support for Ukraine both in the public and in Congress. Creating the narrative of a stalemate allows people to argue that it is time for "peace" or compromise. Folks often cite the need to end the suffering in Ukraine as some kind of thinly constructed moral cover for their opinion. (6) Ukrainians overwhelmingly want to keep fighting, despite the dear cost to their society. They know the price of Russian occupation in random civilian murders, rapes, looting and targeted assassination of political and military figures. Only 9% find it somewhat or fully acceptable to cede territory illegally occupied by Russia including 2022 seizures as well as Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk. Kyiv Institute for Sociology, June 2023 poll. (7) I submit that Ukrainian sentiment would not run this strongly in favor of continuing to fight to achieve the 1991 borders if they felt they were losing or if the war promises an "endless conflict." (8) So viewed totally objectively, is Ukraine winning and does the relatively small square kilometers of advances mean anything? (a) using the total map of Ukraine is very misleading: the actual area of the war now is a band of land 40-80 km wide running from the north to Kherson. Ukraine needs only get a penetration or two through this line to break out behind the generally undefended Russian rear areas. (b) Ukraine is making big progress in doing so, due to its attrition of Russian forces, especially artillery and air defense. Precision artillery and drone strikes have decimated the Russian army, which is hitting horribly low morale, is poorly supplied and growing worse, and cannot replace either troops or equipment losses. New conscripts are untrained and lack officers to lead them. (c) Recently Ukraine has neutralized the Black Sea Fleet pushing it to the east and has virtually all of Crimea under indirect fire and drone coverage. Russian air defense is almost useless and has been taken out daily in key areas. Russian supply lines - never done well- are now reduced and threatened across the front. Russian troops and generals in linked communications have revealed general and growing defeatism. #UkraineWillWin #RussiaLosing #RussianPropaganda These facts are set out in these threads (below) and I seriously invite anyone who can contest any of the facts stated to make the effort.
The Evidence that Russia is Losing Badly - The Russian media gives us a clue on their perception of the war even if they try to hide it. More and more Russian media commentators call for escalation of the war to strikes on London, Paris, Berlin and New York. These fantasy fits are actually an admission that they cannot win the conventional war in Ukraine. There is no talk of "massive Russian army" counter-attacks now. Defeatism settles in among the most boastful with ridiculous talk to be followed by finding scapegoats. Here is the three-part series on Russia losing the war. Most of the items are empirical observations or Russian admissions of what is clear in the reported losses.
Source -
Part1: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1692840667838374343
Part 2: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1694388481051574335
Part 3: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1702022666297729036
* Many EU countries transfer a larger share of their GDP than the United States, CNN writes. In total, the US contributed the most aid, amounting to about $113 billion, while the EU contributed about $85.1 billion. Consequently, the US contribution to Ukraine aid is about 0.3% of the country's GDP, while Norway, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia transfers over 1% of GDP.
Ukraine aid is 3.5% of the US defense budget.
Ukraine aid is 3/10 of 1% of total US budget.
Ukraine aid would finance the US Government expenditures for 27 minutes.
Ukraine aid has destroyed 50% of the RU military.

* A reporter asked John Kirby at the White House Press Briefing: “In your assessment of both military and economic aid to Ukraine …you haven’t seen any signs of corruption or misuse?”
To which John Kirby responds:
“Correct, Still no indication that there's been any kind of widespread corruption or inappropriate use of U.S. capabilities. As a matter of fact, I don't know who asked me before about expenditure rates, but oftentimes the stuff that is given to Ukraine is going hand-to-mouth. I mean, it's a matter of days before some stuff gets there and then a matter of days more before it is being used on the battlefield. Not every system, of course, but the Ukrainians are in a very active fight. They're using the stuff that is being provided.”
* JP Lindsley – Hired by Fox News CEO Roger Ailes
@JPLindsley –“Why is it so hard for politicians and the media to be honest about aid to Ukraine? Why can't they say, well it's not actually billions of new dollars, much of that is the cost of old equipment, some of it is to buy new stuff for the USA that we were gonna buy anyway, and oh, by the way, the smattering of high level weapons we've given to Ukraine has been the greatest free sample ever, e.g., thanks to USA's gift of 20 HIMARS to Ukraine ... Poland is *buying* *486*. why is it so hard for the entire vast expensive media apparatus to be honest about the money? Of course DC is dishonest but shouldn't the media be a bit sharper? and oh, how does that same vast media apparatus miss the major story that this morning, mere hours after russians attacked a Kharkiv region village, the russians also barbarically hit the city-centre of Kharkiv?”
* Kyiv quells fears of weapons smuggling from Ukraine:
Defence minister Oleksii Reznikov pledges to boost its arms tracking systems. He insisted there was no chance of heavy weapons systems, such as 155mm howitzers or US-supplied rocket systems, being stolen. They all had GPS trackers, he said, and western military satellites could also keep tabs on large equipment.
DOD (U.S.) has added to this a detailed in-country program to physically locate weapons (down to platoon-level) while UKR is also expanding real-time inventory to sub-units.
* There were oversight hearings in the House (run by Republicans including MAGA). No issues or substantial problems:
* The United States has no evidence of misuse of American funds in Ukraine, – Reuters. The U.S. Treasury Department is satisfied with the guarantees from the Ukrainian authorities, but continues to work with the authorities on proper prevention of corruption:
* Chuck Pfarrer | Indications & Warnings |
@ChuckPfarrer, Former SEAL Team Six Squadron Leader, NYT Best Selling Author, Conflict Correspondent
* Iuliia Mendel, @IuliiaMendel, Spokesperson to President
@ZelenskyyUa (2019-2021); Author: The Fight of Our Lives http://shorturl.at/gsOW3 ;@PostOpinions, contributor; proud Ukrainian
* So where does American support for Ukraine go? Here is the response!
* ISW, @TheStudyofWar, ISW is a policy research organization focused on U.S. national security.
Russia’s southern defense is multilayered with each layer consisting of multiple lines of field fortifications. Ukraine has penetrated the third & final line of the defensive layer near #Verbove, not the final line in Russia’s total defense in depth on the southern frontline: https://twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/status/1705258281583681841
* WarMonitor, @TheWarMonitor, Questioning questionable political & geopolitical events. OSINT/Indie/Fact checker/Exposes corruption/Antifascist/Pro Ukraine. The REAL & Original War Monitor.
“We spent $300 million dollars a DAY over 20 years in Afghanistan with our own troops fighting, nobody said anything. We give Ukraine old weapons due for replacement to defend themselves with and the uneducated lose their minds.”
* Roman Sheremeta, @rshereme, Ukrainian-American Economist | Professor at
@CWRU, Founding Rector at AUK | TEDx Speaker
“This is precisely why there cannot be any negotiations with Russia. In 2008, Putin swore that Russia recognized Ukraine as a separate nation, including Crimea. And just six years later, Russia annexed Crimea and Putin began calling Crimea "historically Russian.""
* The Top Myths about US Aid to Ukraine – Hudson Institute:
* Since Russia invaded Ukraine for the second time in eight years, Russian troops have ravaged Ukraine’s cities, raped its women, and stolen its children. Russian missiles and Iranian drones strike Ukrainian cities daily, often hitting civilian targets. Russia is the aggressor. Ukraine is the victim.
For Americans who believe in respect for national borders, the primacy of national sovereignty, and the right to self-defense, support for Ukraine is natural. Ukrainians are not asking for, nor do they want, U.S. troops to help them fight Russia. All they ask for are the material resources that give them a fighting chance. Meanwhile, Russia is America’s top geopolitical adversary.
As Congress debates additional support for Ukraine, the anti-Ukraine echo chamber will peddle myths and half-truths, including these four:
Myth: Washington is writing Kyiv “blank checks” that Americans cannot afford.
Reality: Every dollar spent in support of Ukraine is authorized by Congress and used for a specific purpose. There has never been a “blank check” to Ukraine. As of September 2023, the US has provided Ukraine with $101 billion, or about 0.43 percent of America’s GDP. Since February 2022, this averages out to 68 cents per day for each American adult. The vast majority of this money never leaves the US and instead supports American jobs. For this modest amount, the US helps Ukraine dismantle Russia’s military without a single American firing a shot or being shot at. The US can easily afford to support Ukraine, but it cannot afford not to.
Myth: There is not enough oversight of U.S. aid to Ukraine.
Reality: There has likely never been more accountability in place for US foreign assistance than what is available for Ukraine aid. Soon after Russia’s invasion, the US government established the Ukraine Oversight Interagency Working Group. More than 160 officials across 20 federal oversight agencies monitor US aid to Ukraine. To date, Congress has allocated $50 million for the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense, Department of State, and USAID to increase oversight through the working group. Dozens of reports have been completed with dozens more in the works. According to the working group, “Investigations related to the Ukraine response have not yet substantiated significant waste, fraud, or abuse.”
Myth: America is exponentially the largest donor to Ukraine.
Reality: According to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy’s Ukraine aid tracker, total European commitments are now more than double those of the US. After totaling all aid (military, economic, humanitarian, and refugee), 20 European countries have given more to Ukraine than the US as a percentage of GDP. Europe can do more, but that is no reason for the US to stop supporting Ukraine.
Myth: Russia is a distraction. The U.S. must focus on China.
Reality: Russia is China’s junior partner. A defeated Russia means a weaker China. Beijing is watching Western support for Kyiv, so a victorious Ukraine would strengthen Taiwan and deter China. It’s no coincidence that Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida visited Ukraine while Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Russia. During this visit, Xi told Vladimir Putin, “Now there are changes that haven’t happened in 100 years. When we are together, we drive these changes.” The choice between security in Europe and security in the Indo-Pacific is a false dichotomy. In terms of US national interests, these two regions are intimately linked. In the words of Kishida, “The security of the Indo-Pacific region cannot be separated from European security.”
* MacGregor a Putin Apologist, Tucker Carlson a hack: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/douglas-macgregor-fox-news-tucker-carlson-russia-ukraine-1318143/amp/
* Tucker Carlson’s Ukraine War Expert Totally Debunked in 72 Hours: “Macgregor’s bleak assessment of the Ukrainians’ chances of maintaining territorial integrity and sovereignty over their own country was quickly debunked by current events as headlines over the weekend announced Ukrainian gains.
The right-leaning Drudge Report ran headlines blaring, “RUSSIA ON THE RUN” and “INVADERS PUSHED BACK TO BORDER.”
A third headline, linking to a Washington Examiner story declared Ukraine’s latest victory the ‘GREATEST COUNTEROFFENSIVE SINCE WORLD WAR II.’”
* What if Tucker Carlson’s wrong about more than just Russia?
* European Commission-12 Myths About Russia’s War In Ukraine:
* Government of Canada addresses Russia’s False Claims:
* Ex-Trump Adviser Calls Out 'Lies' About Russia Losing Ukraine War
* Tucker Carlson's Fantastical fabrication:
* A Database of Military, Financial and Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine
Please visit our Facebook and Instagram pages and our YouTube Channel and share them widely. We need a lot more voices and ambassadors actively participating so that we can have the greatest impact for the people of Ukraine.
Thank you and God Bless You!
Shawn and Amy Sullivan
Shawn - [email protected] - ph: 817-313-3656
Amy - [email protected] - ph: 817-773-4758
Office - [email protected] - ph: 352-432-8587
Website: www.mission823.com