Summer 2023

War in Ukraine rages on

Mission 823 exists to defend, rescue and restore the lives of traumatized children in Ukraine. Under daily attacks, living in fear of rockets, missiles and kamikaze drones, without clean water and food . . . these children need us more than ever before.

Partner with Mission 823 today to save these precious lives, to deliver them to safety and help them rebuild what has been lost. Donate now to save a life.

Camp willow park update

You have probably never experienced the heartbreak of watching a small child wrestle with the nightmare of PTSD. Most of us are used to conversations about soldiers scarred by things no human should ever experience, but not little children.

Because the conflict line is over 620 miles long and the war is being waged over a 40,000 square mile area and the primary target is civilians, millions of children and families are horribly affected.

Camp Willow Park is a gift from God, made possible through the hands of partners like you. Here, these children find refuge from the horror they have endured for a long time.

Children who have been held captive by enemies, tortured, abused beyond human imagination, used as human shields, and lived under the constant threat of tanks, artillery barrages, and rocket attacks can come to this place of peace and rediscover the simple joy of being children again.

Our youth camp in Ukraine, located on a lake in the Carpathian Mountain region, has undergone massive renovations in order to upgrade the experience and increase our capabilities to bring healing to children who are tormented and suffering from emotional and psychological trauma.

Hundreds of these precious kids will begin to pour into our camp in just a few days as we host 5-7 specialized camps through August. Consider sponsoring a youth camp or a camper through Mission 823 today.

Nikopol bakery - we bought a bakery?!?

Pastor Roman at Salvation Church in Nikopol contacted us a few months ago and asked if we could sponsor the transport and recuperation of 33 individuals, many of whom were children, all severely shell-shocked from daily air raids, missile, and rocket attacks.

Sleeping in the basement for months at a time under constant pounding had taken a severe toll on the emotional welfare of these kids. 

Ensuing conversations revealed that the church had also lost a major relief sponsor and needed to purchase equipment to bake hundreds of loaves of bread for their ongoing weekly children's programs and community distribution.

 Currently, over 500 children per week are being fed through this feeding program, and because of your generous support - thank you so much!

So, we bought a bakery - or at least the equipment for one! The bakery equipment was delivered while Shawn was in the country in May.

Watch this video to see the delivery of that equipment: VIDEO HERE

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Stay up  to date with all our activities in Ukraine.

Kakhovka dam and reservoir crisis

Because of the Russian sabotage of the Kakhovka Dam and the resulting flood waters of the largest reservoir in Ukraine, there are catastrophic water shortages and high risk of disease. 

There is extreme danger from cholera, typhoid, dysentery, Legionnaire's Disease and E. Coli in the entire region and as far as 2 hours north of the city of Kherson.

More than 700,000 people are currently without access to clean drinking water.

Downstream from the attack, sewer, fertilizer, cemeteries, herbicides, pesticides, chemical and industrial materials have all washed into the water, contaminating everything that it touches.

Upstream the reservoir is empty and long lines of people have no water to drink, cook with or bathe with and they are suffering.

Please help us to get them the assistance that they need!

Watch this video below to see how your donations are helping:  VIDEO HERE

Fundraiser prayer breakfast held in florida

Shawn and Amy recently helped conduct a Fundraiser Prayer Breakfast in Clermont, Florida, to raise awareness and funds for the multiple crises in Ukraine. 

M823 Board Member, Brian Hammond, Pastor of The Church at South Lake, hosted the meeting and collaborated with Lake County Commissioner Sean Parks and Lake County Property Appraiser Carey Baker to bring influencers from surrounding communities to help us make a difference in Ukraine.

Rocky DeStefano, owner of the two Chick-Fil-A restaurants in Clermont, donated and delivered breakfast for all. Thousands of dollars were raised, and conversations are ongoing to maximize our impact in Ukraine. Many thanks to all who had a part and especially to those who are continuing to engage.

Urgent medical request from Ukraine

First responders, fire, police, EMT and paramedics are in need of specialized medical response bags and equipment. 

 They deploy to missile attacks, building collapses and other war related injuries to civilians in cities inside the conflict zones and all over Ukraine where enemy rockets are targeting neighborhoods.

Mission 823 would like to deliver 10 of these bags to the front-line first responders in the most critical areas. We need to raise at least $40,000 to stock these bags, ship them to Ukraine and have our teams deliver them into the hands of these front-line heroes. 

Consider supporting this project through our website: CLICK HERE.

Mission 823, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible. 

Please visit Facebook and Instagram pages and You Tube Channel and share them widely. We need a lot more voices and ambassadors actively participating so that we can have the greatest impact for the people of Ukraine.

Thank you and God Bless You!

Shawn and Amy Sullivan


Shawn - - ph: 817-313-3656

Amy - - ph: 817-773-4758

Office - - ph: 352-432-8587
