Ukraine War Relief
Help Support Families and Children in Ukraine
Mission 823 is on the ground actively assisting the people of Ukraine with the support they need to survive and cope with this war.
Our Mission
Defend - Rescue - Restore
The devastating war in Ukraine has left many homeless and in urgent need of support.
Together, we can make a significant difference, helping families recover and rebuild.
Mission 823 is currently on the ground, providing essential food, clean water, housing, transportation, and youth camps for children.
Here are some of the programs supported by your donation to Mission 823.

Safe Transportation Away from Conflict Zones: Mission 823 provides transport to evacuees and refugees away from conflict zones to our facilities in western Ukraine.
We frequently receive requests for rescue and safe evacuation transport away from conflict zones.
Mission 823 has housing set up for refugees of the war that are displaced from their homes.
We provide the transportation to get them there.

Meals Prepared for Ukraine:
Mission 823 with the help and support of local churches prepared 100,000 meals.
11 million people in Ukraine, or about one in three families are food insecure.
The conflict in Ukraine has exacerbated food insecurity through infrastructure damage, supply chain disruptions, and displacement of residents from their homes.
The United Nations estimates that the conflict in Ukraine will cause an additional 19–24 million people to experience food insecurity this year.

Mission 823 purchased and delivered hundreds of personal generators and these two large 17kw generators.
Ongoing brutal attacks by Russia have left Ukrainian energy infrastructure in a fragile state.
The goal is to ensure sufficient supply of electricity during cold and dark months, but also to keep vital services available.

Clean Water:
Mission 823 has delivered more than 50,000 water filters equal to 9 billion gallons of clean water.
Over 6 million people in Ukraine struggle daily to access drinking water, one of the most essential human needs.
“Water is essential for life and a right for everyone,” said Osnat Lubrani, the Humanitarian Coordinator for Ukraine, warning about the health risks caused by water stoppages, particularly for children and the elderly. “Poor water quality can lead to diseases, including cholera, skin infections and other deadly infectious diseases.
Mission 823 has been recognized in the news.
Some other recent aid projects included housing hundreds of refugees and supporting seven additional refugee shelters. Providing building materials to reconstruct homes and buildings damaged by the war. Offering youth camps for thousands of children suffering from PTSD along with camps for widows and orphans.
Mission 823 is a
501(c)(3) Nonprofit Trusted by Guide Star.
The tax identification number is 82-5088294.

"We want the world to know that we support those who dedicate their lives, love and energy to safeguarding at-risk children. Your work is truly commendable and my first hand experience with you and your exceptional team in Ukraine will always be a cherished memory.” - Jon Lines, DoTerra Healing Hands/Hope Foundation