War of the Worlds


When people hear the word "Ukraine" these days, there is usually an immediate reaction to one extreme or the other, but we are embroiled in a fight for survival. This is a physical war, a spiritual war, a geo-political war, a mental and emotional war that we wrestle with daily. For us, this war is really about the innocent children and families that are suffering. THIS is what we are asking you to respond to - this is our struggle.


From Shawn:

This is long, so please bear with me. My heart is broken. I'm just a little man with a big heart. I love God, my family and the people of Ukraine. 

Somebody commented on one of my posts the other day and said that I should spend less time talking about politics and more time talking about the Gospel. And they were right . . . but our difficulty, one that most are not faced with on a daily basis, is that we cannot share the Gospel with men and women, boys and girls, who are dead. 

The people that we love, the people that we are called to serve, are being attacked every single day for over 11 years WHILE we share the Gospel. If they do not survive these attacks, if we cannot provide evacuation and humanitarian aid, if we cannot physically fight off "safari" type Kamikaze drone attacks against civilians and hospitals and schools, there will be no one left to share the Gospel WITH. 

We try to do ministry the way Jesus did ministry. Jesus understood the human conditions, physical and spiritual, and as He stood on the mountain, He was moved with compassion because the people were suffering, physically and because they had no spiritual sense of purpose or direction. And He addressed BOTH of these concerns because He knows who and what we are.  See Matthew 9:35-36.

When the man was let down through the roof by four friends, Jesus said, "Your sins be forgiven you". And then He continued, "and so that you may know that the Son of Man has power to forgive sins, I say to you rise up, take up your bed and walk." He healed him, physically and spiritually. Luke 5:17-26

And when there was an obvious agent of the devil opposing Him and the ministry that He gave to the disciples, He openly, publicly, called them out and named them for what they were. Matthew 23:23-33

Jesus addressed the physical needs of the people with compassion AND shared the Gospel with them. We do our very best to model the behavior and heart of our Savior while He walked on this earth. The Gospel, its delivery and the methods of wisdom and understanding that we use to deliver the Gospel to humans in a way that they can actually receive, is critical to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We're not compromising the message at all, but like Paul, are becoming all things to all men so that by all means, some may be saved. I Corinthians 9:19-22

For us, this includes sacrifice, risk of our lives anywhere in Ukraine and especially near the front lines. Our ministry includes rescue, defense, restoration, evacuation, humanitarian aid, camps for children with PTSD and church planting along the front lines. We have a comprehensive, holistic, Gospel centered ministry. Everything that we do is motivated by gratitude for the Gospel effect in our lives. And everything that we do is driven towards the goal of creating an environment where others can receive that same grace embedded in the Gospel.

Russia and it's attacks on the people of Ukraine are SYMPTOMS. China, North Korea and Iran providing weapons and soldiers against Ukraine are SYMPTOMS. And they are puppets of a far more evil master.

Satan himself is orchestrating these attacks on Ukraine and on Israel. He is the mind that has embodied the vilest dictators of our time. There is a very real possibility that Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, in MY mind, are the precursors to the appearance of the antichrist. What we are seeing now is "end of days" level evil.

But there is not conversation about the Gospel, there is not even a necessity to talk about the Gospel, if there is no discussion of evil. There is not a need for the "Good News" without the "Bad News". It is hard to fight an enemy, even a spiritual enemy that you don't identify with or know the name of. It is difficult to survive a war when you can't name the attacker. It is impossible to identify a victim if you don't talk about who the aggressor is.

When lies and politics and geopolitical posturing are being used by the enemy to cause confusion and weakness in the world so that we cannot stand up to the ultimate evil, innocent people suffer. Yes, we are in a physical war. The cause of this war is a spiritual war. The fuel for this ongoing physical war is the attack on the minds and hearts of some very good and smart people. 

I am angry and I count it as righteous indignation, a frustration that massive evil is killing people that we love and preventing them from hearing the Gospel.

This war and the politics around it are the tools that are being used to accomplish this destruction in Ukraine and Israel. I apologize that the madness that I wrestle with boils over at times. But we must advocate for justice, we much take action on behalf of the innocent. And we must do everything in our power, enabled by the Holy Spirit, while we can, to facilitate the delivery of the Gospel of grace to those in need. 

Mission 823 is based on the principles found in Psalm 82:3-4 which says, "Defend the poor and fatherless: Do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: Rescue them out of the hand of the wicked".

Pray for us. Pray for the people of Ukraine. Pray for Mission 823 and our ability to meet human and spiritual needs in Ukraine. We will not quit under any circumstances and pray that you will join us in this hybrid fight to save body and soul in Ukraine. 

Remember Vova

You may remember a little boy that we mentioned in our last couple of newsletters. Eight year old Vova was killed by a Russian missile while playing in his front yard in Ukraine in 2023 and the family lives just a few minutes from our base in western Ukraine. This video tells the story of this tragedy and is representative of thousands of precious children lost in this senseless war against Ukraine. We have been able to help his family rebuild their home and are in the process of digging a well for them so that they can have access to clean water. Please continue to pray for this precious family and all those who have suffered losses in Ukraine.


Camps for Kids with PTSD

This year's camp season was a massive success. God have us the resources, through our partners, to host and fully sponsor 10 youth camps, back to back, for hundreds of children traumatized by war, abuse, neglect and displacement. Your generosity made this happen! Thank you all for your vision and partnership!

Other camps for widows, orphans and refugee families were also provided to give relief and comfort from the war. Be sure to visit our YouTube channel to see the entire year's progress or watch the video below.

Mission 823 Camp video

Family Homes and adoptive parents

Mission 823 focuses our efforts towards orphans and kids that come from dysfunctional families through domestic (Ukrainian) adoptions and foster care style guardianships versus facilitating international adoptions. There are a lot of reasons for this, but the bottom line is that we seek the least traumatic and most efficient way to help children recover from previous traumas and find a model of family that God has designed. Godly parents, like Ivan and Mariana (in the center of the picture above), who have surrendered their lives to care for these children, make this possible. Hear their story here:  Burla Video

Winter is Especially Hard in Ukraine Right Now

Because the Russians have been intentionally targeting the destruction of infrastructure in Ukraine this past year, power generation is severely crippled. The electrical grid has been seriously damaged and the entire country is experiencing blackouts and rolling brown-outs to conserve energy. As a result, some Ukrainians have private generators to provide heat, light and access to technology so the children can still do their school work, but most do not. Even those that do have these generators to provide the minimum power necessary to survive, in the harsh Ukrainian winters their homes are colder than normal or even freezing. This is a very brutal time of year for most Ukrainians.

Beautiful women like Marilyn Webb and the ladies on the quilting team of the Mt. Dora Piece Makers Quilting Group in Mt. Dora, FL (pictured above) produce an amazing quantity of hand-crafted quilts for families and children in Ukraine and all over the world. Thank you ladies for your decades of sacrifice and faithfulness to God and others!

Support for First Responders

Fire stations, police stations and hospitals in Ukraine are being attacked and destroyed by Russian forces daily. Mission 823 was able to donate a prefabricated storage unit this month to local firemen who needed additional warehouse space. 

If you would like to fund projects like purchasing generators and quilts, or support for the First Responders in Ukraine - click below to invest today!

Ukraine War Relief

Churches are the Key

We are able to start and maintain ministry in Ukraine because of our partnerships with churches and people like you. We are able to launch and conduct ministry on the field because of our partnerships with churches in Ukraine. Sometimes the opportunity presents itself to help start local churches in war-torn areas where there are none. 

We have just launched a new church project in the Kharkiv region, exact location cannot be disclosed for security reasons. Pastors and Christian leaders are openly hunted and targeted in Ukraine right now. 

Vladimir and Tatyana are courageous, seasoned veteran church planters who saw the need and opportunity to start a new work in this area. We have partnered with them to build and grow a church family in this very dangerous part of Ukraine. Pray for safety and mission success, because we will not stop this work under any circumstances. 

Please continue to pray for peace, provision and healing in Ukraine. We are working feverishly to keep people alive, demonstrate the heart and mind of Christ and give real and lasting hope. Thank you to each and every one of you for your prayers, support and partnerships. God Bless You All! 

Please visit our Facebook and Instagram pages and our YouTube Channel and share them widely. We need a lot more voices and ambassadors actively participating so that we can have the greatest impact for the people of Ukraine.

Thank you and God Bless You!

Shawn and Amy Sullivan


Shawn - [email protected] - ph: 817-313-3656

Amy - [email protected] - ph: 817-773-4758

Office - [email protected] - ph: 352-432-8587

Website: www.mission823.com



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